Friday, February 15, 2019

Cruelty to animals

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As we all know, one of the society's hot issue is human abusing animals or humans makes the animals as their punching bags. Did they even know that animals have rights too? What rights are those? Those rights are the same just like our rights. In fact, animals are the first one here in earth. Well, not actually the first one but God made them first before us. 

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What are the abuses used in Philippine Society? There are many to mention but neglecting and hurting animals are the commonly used in our society. What is neglecting? Neglecting means failing of taking care of the animal or other beings in our world. It contains starving the animals, not cleaning them, and let them die whenever they are sick. RA 8485 – The Animal Welfare Act of the Philippines. It is a law where once you are proven that you hurt that certain animal  If you really love animals, why are you neglecting them? For fame? Because people with animals or your idols has a pet and since you want to follow them, you adopt a pet dog and cat or you just go with the trend? That is a big no no mydear, please if you adopt a pet, make sure that you can provide its daily needs especially shelter, food and also, love. If you can provide those, why not adopt a pet right? In fact, they can also help you in guarding your house.

Let's talk about the wild animals who was captivated and some of their body parts are used in a wrong way. Just like the ivory of an elephant or a mamoth. Hunters really hunt them because they provide almost all the needs of a human, the food, the clothing and of course, it's income. The animal's meat serves as their food, their skin used as human's clothing and horns and ivories of an animal serves as their source of income because those horns are really rare and it tends that buyers are attractred to that, especially auctioners.
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Animals are important, even thoough some of them are hostiles and some of them are passive yet they can help you in your daily life just like dogs, they help you guard your house and yourself. Cats can catch mice running around your house. Birds or Rooster can be your alarm clock.
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So think about that before you hurt animals and what consequences you'll receive by hurting. Stop hurting animals, thank you.

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